李 月,张宇雷,吴 凡,刘 晃,管崇武,宋红桥,单建军
(农业部渔业装备与工程技术重点实验室,十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
摘要:采用移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)处理低浓度氨氮养殖废水,在不同水力停留时间(HRT)和不同曝气条件下,分析MBBR处理人工模拟的低浓度氨氮(2 mg/L左右)养殖废水的进出水氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮和硝酸盐氮的浓度变化,探讨HRT和曝气量对MBBR处理低浓度氨氮养殖废水的影响,并以实际鲟鱼养殖废水(氨氮浓度0.5~1.5 mg/L)和其他研究研究结果进行验证和比较。结果显示,MBBR的最优HRT为6~8 min,最优曝气量为180 L/h,相应的氨氮去除率为70%~75%,氨氮去除负荷为560~700 g/(m3.d),填料生物膜厚度为26~38 μm;膜表层结构多样,物种丰富,膜生长良好。研究表明,该反应器处理低浓度氨氮养殖废水具有的高效能力。
Experimental study on treatment of aquaculture water with low ammonia nitrogen content using moving bed biofilm reactor
LI Yue, ZHANG Yulei, WU Fan, LIU Huang, GUAN Chongwu, SONG Hongqiao,
SHAN Jianjun
(Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract: This article probes into the utilization of moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR for short) in treating aquaculture wastewater of low ammonia concentrations. It analyzed the concentration changes of influent and effluent ammonia, nitrite and nitrate in artificially simulated low ammonia (2 mg/L or so) aquaculture wastewater at different hydraulic retention time (HRT) and aeration rate conditions, discussed the effects of HRT and aeration rate on the treating result and compared for verification the situations of the actual sturgeon aquaculture water (ammonia concentration 0.5-1.5 mg/L) with those reported in other literatures. The result shows the optimal HRT is 6-8min and optimal aeration rate is 180L/h, corresponding to an ammonia removal rate of 70-75%, ammonia removal load of 560~700 g/(m3.d) and biofilm thickness of 26-38 μm, with various membrane surface structures, rich species and good membrane growth, which shows the high efficiency of the reactor in treating low ammonia concentration aquaculture water.
Key words: moving bed biofilm reactor, hydraulic retention time, aeration rate, aquaculture water, ammonia