(1 宁波大学信息科学与工程学院,浙江 宁波 315211;
2 宁波大学海洋学院,浙江 宁波 315211)
摘要:为解决梭子蟹单筐养殖模式下的自动投饲问题,设计了一套轨道式自动投饲系统。自动投饲系统由行走系统、投饲机、供电系统和控制系统组成。在单片机系统的控制下,行车由直流电机驱动在轨道上行走,当行车上的定位传感器感应到养殖筐边沿上的定位识别板后,投饲机对一排养殖筐同时下料。当行车走到轨道末端时,行程开关可控制行车停止前进,避免行车脱轨。试验结果表明:自动投料系统实现了定量定位自动下料,称料误差在0.3 g以内,投料精度为97%,定位识别率为100%。当水位在0.5 m范围内变化时,定位误差小于3.5 cm,满足梭子蟹单筐养殖自动投喂的要求。
Design and experiments of automatic feeding system for the single-basket culture of Portunus trituberculatus
HAO Mingzhu 1, XU Jianyu 1, WANG Chunlin 2, XIE Jianjun 1, DUAN Ruixia 1, LI Xiao 1
(1 Institute of Information Science and Technology, Ningbo University, Ningbo315211, China;
2 School of Marine Science, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China)
Abstract: To solve the automatic feeding problem of the single-basket culture of Portunus trituberculatus, an automatic feeding system is designed. The automatic feeding system includes walking system, feeding machines, electric power system and control system. Under the control of the single chip microcomputer system, the walking pulley is powered by the DC motor and moves on the track. When the photoelectric sensor detects the location identification plate, the feeding machines feed to a row of baskets at the same time. When the pulley arrives at the terminal of track, position control switch can stop the pulley and avoid the derailment. The experimental results showed that the automatic feeding system could realize the automatic feeding at fixed location quantitatively. The weighing error was under 0.3 g, the feeding accuracy was 97%, and the identification accuracy was 100%. When the water varied in the range of 0.5 m, the positioning deviation was below 3.5 cm. In conclusion, the automatic feeding system can meet the feeding requirements of the crab single-basket culture practices.
Key words: Portunus trituberculatus; single-basket culture; automatic feeding system; fixed quantity; fixed location