阳清发1,怀向军2,苏 明2,王锡昌3,陶宁萍3,马秋兰4
(1上海能正渔业科技开发有限公司,上海 201700;
2上海市青浦区水产技术推广站,上海 201700;
3上海海洋大学食品学院上海 201306;
Advances on fishery resources utilization of Fugu obscures
YANG Qingfa1,HUAI Xiangjun2,SU Ming2,WANG Xichang3,TAO Ningping3,MA Qiulan4
(1 Shanghai Nengzheng Fishery Technology Development Co,Ltd.,Shanghai 201700,China;
2 Aquaculture Techniques Extension Station of Shanghai Qingpu,Shanghai 201700,China;
3 College of Food Science and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China;
4 Shanghai Nenggan fishery cooperatives,Shanghai 201700,China)
Abstract: Based on the accumulative studies achievements and exsisting documents, the development process and utilization status of Fuguobscurus resources were reviewed, and it showed the features of high-value and consumption-promising. The improvement process of home-and-abroad relevant regulations, applications and authorization of patents, the establishment and issue of standards, and the study achievements regarding the toxicity of cultured puffer fish, etc. were summerized, which showed that the conditions for lifting the ban on fresh consumption of Fuguobscurus resources. The probation work of puffer fish in Shanghai, start-up and accomplished research projects, farming and consumption status, etc. were introduced based on the data and information related to Fuguobscurus exploitation in Shanghai, which showed Shanghai has been gradually accumulating the detailed information on fishery regulations for puffer fish, and have made lots of preparations for ban-lift of puffer fish. Above all, this paper is expected to provide reference for development, utilization and mornitoring for puffer fish resources.
Key words: Fuguobscurus; fishery resources; development and utilization; regulation changes; patents; standard