(中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,农业部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室,广东 广州,510300)
摘要:为了解黑蝶贝(Pinctadamargaritifera)的滤食特性,利用一次性加入饵料的方法,设置4种个体规格、5种单胞藻饵料、5个pH梯度和饵料密度梯度,研究了不同因素对黑蝶贝滤水率(FR')的影响。结果显示:黑蝶贝FR'随体重的增大先上升后下降,回归拟合方程:FR'=-0.000 359 x2+0.074 x-2.272,R2=0.854;黑蝶贝对5种单胞藻饵料的滤水率大小次序为:小球藻>球等鞭金藻>绿色巴夫藻>牟氏角毛藻>亚心形扁藻; FR'随着pH的升高而升高,到pH为8.6左右时开始下降,其拟合关系为:FR'=-0.331x2+5.621x-23.198,R2=0.739; FR'与一定饵料密度范围内呈明显的峰值变化,饵料密度为4.38×105Cell/mL时达到最大,其拟合方程为:FR'=-0.234x2+2.036x-2.959,R2=0.852。通过可知,饵料种类、pH、饵料密度和规格对黑蝶贝滤水率的影响显著(P<0.05)。
关键词:黑蝶贝;滤水率;饵料密度;pH ;规格
Effects of different body size, microalgae species, microalgae densities and pH on filtration rate of Pinctada margaritifera
YAN Junxian, CHEN Mingqiang, LI Youning, WU Kaichang
(South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences;
Key Lab. of South China Sea Fishery Resources Exploitation & Utilization, Guangzhou Guangdong 510300, China)
Abstract: In order to understand the filtration characteristic of Pinctada margaritifera under different conditions, the filtration rates (FR') of P. margaritifera were studied with method of single feeds adding. 5 species of microalgae were used in this study. And 4 sizes of shellfish body, 5 gradients of pH and density of microalgae were set in the method. The results showed that: (1) The FR'increased firstly and then declined with the increasing of body weight. The regression fitting equation was: FR'=-0.000359x2+0.074x-2.272, R2=0.854; (2) The sequence of FR'on 5 species of microalgae was as follows: Chlorella vulgaris>Isochrysis galbana>Pavloca viridis>Chaetoceros mulleri>Platymanas subcordiformis; (3) FR'rose with the increase of pH firstly, and then declined from pH of 8.6. The equation was: FR'=-0.331x2+5.621x-23.198, R2=0.739; (4) In a certain range of diet density, the FR'showed a peak value change, reaching to maximum as the diet density of 4.38×105Cell/mL.The equation was:FR'=-0.234x2+2.036x-2.959,R2=0.852. This study showed that there are significant correlation among the filtration rate of P. margaritifera and the microalgae species, pH, density of microalgae, body sizes of shellfish.
Key words: Pinctada margaritifera, filtration rate, microalgae densities, pH, size