白利丹,王 海
(长春市水产品质量安全检测中心,吉林 长春130033)
摘要:采用含枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacollus subtilis)、纳豆芽孢杆菌(B.natto)、地衣芽孢杆菌(B.lichenformis)、腊状芽孢杆菌(B.cereus)的复合芽孢杆菌净化养鱼池塘的水质,研究其对水质因子(COD、溶氧、pH、亚硝酸盐、氨氮等)的作用和影响。在养殖条件和管理措施(养殖品种、放养密度、水源、池塘深度和养殖模式等)基本一致的前提下,试验池塘每10 d按2 g/m3的用量泼洒复合芽孢杆(对照池不用),泼洒3 d后,试验池与对照池进行水质理化指标对比。结果显示,经投加复合芽孢杆菌的试验池水质优于对照池;试验池全年平均值相比对照池,COD下降12%,溶氧下降16%,透明度增加30%,pH下降8%,亚硝酸盐下降60%,氨氮变化不显著。研究表明,复合芽孢杆菌对养殖池塘的水质具有一定的净化效果,但夏季高温期使用须防缺氧。
Experimental study on the effects of composite Bacillus sp. on water quality parameters in fish pond
BAI Lidan,WANG Hai
(Aquatic Products Quality and Safety Testing Center of Changchun City, Changchun 130033, China)
Abstract:Compositeincluding Bacollus subtilis, B. natto, B. lichenformis and B. cereus were applied to purify water quality of fish pond, and the effects on water quality parameters (COD, DO, pH, NO2--N and NH4+-N) were studied. Under the similar farming conditions and management practices (farmed fish species, stocking density, water source, pond depth and farming model, etc. ) , the composite Bacillus sp. was split with dosage of 2 g/m3 for every 10 days for the experimental ponds while no application for the control pond. For every 3 days after application, the water quality parameters in the test and control pond were analyzed and compared. The results showed that the water quality in test pond was better than that in control pond. With comparision to the control pond, the annual average value of COD reduced by 12%, DO reduced by 16%, water transparency increased by 30%, pH reduced by 8%, NO2--N reduced by 60% and no obvious effect on NH4+-N. The study shows that there is good effect of composite Bacillus sp. on purifying the water quality of farming ponds, while hypoxia should be paid attention to when the agent is applied during the high temperature period in summer.
Key words: composite Bacillus sp.; fish pond; water quality parameters