(1 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东 青岛 266071;
2 烟台海益苗业有限公司,山东 烟台 265619)
摘要:采用实验生态学的方法对1龄裸盖鱼(Anoplopoma fimbria)进行工厂化养殖试验以了解其生长特性。在自然水温(10.6±1.1~16.5±0.8 ℃)条件下,经过330 d左右的养殖试验,1龄裸盖鱼由初始平均体重650.3±85.7 g增长到2064.2±378.1 g,平均日增重3.9±1.8 g/d,最大日增重7.3±1.0 g/d。5月份平均增重量达到全年最高值,为220.0±32.2 g/月。其平均体重随日龄变化的关系符合方程y = 8 E-05x3-0.0452x2+11.421x+310.13(R²=0.9671),体重增长率方程为dy/dt=24 E-05x2-0.0904x+11.421。水温对裸盖鱼的体重增长、饵料系数及存活率均有影响。研究表明,裸盖鱼的最适生长温度为10.6±1.1~12.6±0.6 ℃,在该温度范围内,其体重增长快,饵料系数相对较低,存活率较高。国内外研究发现,裸盖鱼生长迅速,生长温度低,病害少,肉质鲜美,养殖效益显著,是适宜冷水养殖的高档鱼类。
Growth characteristics of sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria in industrially farming
CHEN Zhaoting1, CHEN Siqing1, WANG Youting2, YAN Jingping1, LIU Changlin1, LIU Chunsheng1,
PAN Xinwei2
(1 The Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;
2 Yantai Hai Yi breeding Industry Co. ,Ltd, Yantai 265619,China)
Abstract: A study has been carried out on the temperature influenced on growth characters of industrially farmed one aged sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria. The temperature ranged 10.6±1.1℃ to 16.5±0.8℃.The result showed that the average weight of one-year- old sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria grew from 650.3±85.7 g to 2064.2±378.1 g, the average daily growth rate was 3.9±1.8 g/d and the maximum daily rate reached 7.3±1.0 g/d. The average growth weight of May is 220.0±32.2 g/m, which is the highest growth rate of the year. The relationship between average weight of sablefish with cultured days could be described as y = 8E-05x3 - 0.0452x2 + 11.421x + 310.13(R² = 0.9671)and the weight growth rate equation is dy/dt=24E-05x2-0.0904x+11.421. The water temperature could affect body growth rate, FCR, as well as SR. The test indicated that the most suitable water temperature of sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria is 10.6±1.1℃ to 12.6±0.6℃.In this temperature range , sablefish grew fast and had high survival rate, meanwhile, the FCR was relatively low. Sablefish grow fast and has little diseases. Low water temperature can make them grow. In addition, sablefish has high economic value and fresh meat. In conclusion , sablefish is a top- grade cold water species that have widen cultured forground.
Key words: sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria); growth characters; temperature; grow weight