黄永春1 2,肖书杰1,谢湘筠3,陈辉辉1,尹秀梅1 ,陈万昌4
(1 集美大学水产学院 福建 厦门 361021;
2 福建省海洋渔业资源与生态环境重点实验室 福建 厦门 361021;
3 福建农林大学 福建 福州 350002;
4 上杭县官庄乡畜牧兽医站,福建 上杭364209)
摘要:为完善似鮈(Pseudogobio vaillanti vaillanti)的生理生态参数,合理开发利用汀江似鮈渔业资源,进行了似鮈耐温性及温度对其耗氧率和排氨率影响的研究。采用实验生态学的方法,以23℃为试验起始温度,每天升温或降温2.0℃/d,进行似鮈耐温性试验,并在其适温范围内设置4个梯温度组(15、20、25和30℃)研究不同温度对似鮈耗氧率和排氨率的影响。结果显示:似鮈的对温度的耐受范围为4~34℃,临界死亡温度为35.2±0.2℃,致死温度为36.8±0.3℃。在水温处于15~30 ℃时,似鮈的耗氧率和排氨率都随着温度的上升而上升,差异显著(P<0.05);耗氧率(Ro)与温度(T)的关系可以用多项式回归方程表示为:Ro=-0.0078T2+0.0498T +0.0102(R2 =0.9841)。排氨率(RA)与温度(T)的关系可以用线性回归方程表示为:RA =0.0012T-0.0007(R2 = 0.9508)。似鮈的适温范围为15~30℃,其耗氧率和排氨率基本上随着温度的上升而上升,且表现出白天强于夜间。
Study on the temperature tolerance and effects of temperature on oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate of Pseudogobio vaillanti vaillanti
HUANG Yongchum1,2 , XIAO Shujie1, XIE Xiangjun 3, CHENG Huihui1,
YI Xiumei1 ,CHEN Wangchang4
(1 Fishery College of Jimei University, Fujian, Xiamen 361021, China;
2 Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Fishery Resources and Eco-environment Fujian, Xiamen 361021, China;
3 Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University Fujian, Fuzhou 350002, China;
4 Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station in Guanzhuang Township of Shanghang, Fujian, Shanghan 364209, China)
Abstract:In this paper, the temperature tolerance of Pseudogobio vaillanti vaillanti were studied at 23℃ as the initial temperature with gradually change of water temperature (increasing or decreasing 2.0℃ every day, at the rate of 0.5 ℃ per 12hours). And effects of 4 temperature gradients (15、20、25 and 30℃) on oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and ammonia excretion rate(AER) of Pseudogobio vaillanti vaillanti were also studied. The results showed that the adaptation temperature of P. vaillanti vaillanti (sauvage) was in the range from 8℃ to 34℃. The critical lethal temperature and the fatal high temperature were 35.2±0.2℃ and 36.8±0.3℃, respectively. From 15 ℃ to 30℃, the oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate of P. vaillanti vaillanti showed an increasing trend as the temperature increased, and the rate values were obviously different from each other in the range (P < 0. 05). The regressive equation of OCR and the water temperature(T) could be expressed as Ro=-0.0078T2+0.0498T +0.0102(R2 =0.9841). The regressive equation of AER and the water temperature (T) could be expressed as RA =0.0012T-0.0007(R2 = 0.9508). The optimum temperature range of Pseudogobio vaillanti vaillanti was from 15 to 30 ℃, the oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate of P. vaillanti vaillanti showed an increasing trend as the temperature increased, which were stronger in daytime than that at night.
Key words:Pseudogobio vaillanti vaillanti;temperature; oxygen consumption rate;ammonia excretion rate