王庚申1,2,施 慧1,谢建军1,汪玮1,许文军1
(1 浙江省海洋水产研究所,浙江 舟山 316021;
2 浙江省海水增养殖重点实验室,浙江 舟山 316021)
摘要:在三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)和日本对虾(Penaeus japonicas)混养池塘中按不同频率(5 d、10 d、15 d)施用微生态制剂,每10 d测量1次水质指标和细菌数量,试验结束时,测量养殖生物的成活率和特定生长率,试验共持续60 d。结果显示,3个试验组养殖生物的存活率差异不显著(P>0.05),特定生长率差异显著(P<0.05);试验结束时,3个试验组的水体COD分别较对照组降低了37.78%、33.33%、16.67%,氨氮分别降低了43.12%、33.11%、28.68%,亚硝态氮浓度分别降低了68.42%、49.03%、34.63%,弧菌总数分别降低了58.61%、49.76%、39.34%。研究表明,按照水质净化效果和经济效益指标,在梭子蟹和日本对虾混养池塘中以每10 d施用1次微生态制剂为佳,养殖中后期可适当提高施用频率,以获得更好的水质净化效果。
关键词:微生态制剂; 频率; 三疣梭子蟹; 日本对虾; 生长; 水质
Effects of application frequency of probiotic on growth of Portunus trituberculatus and Penaeus japonicas and water quality of culture ponds
WANG Gengshen1, 2, SHI Hui1, XIE Jianjun1, Wang Wei1, XU Wenjun1
(1Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Zhejiang, Zhoushan 316021, China;
2Key Laboratory of Marine Culture and Enhancement of Zhejiang Province, Zhoushan 316021, China)
Abstract: Different application frequency (every 5, 10 and 15 days) of probiotic (the lived microbial purifying agents) was spilled to culture ponds to study its effects on water quality and growth of Portunus trituberculatus and Penaeus japonicas. The water quality and density of bacteria was tested every 10 days. The survival rate and special grow rate of cultured organisms was measured by the end of harvest season. The experiment was carried out 60 days. The results showed that the survival rate was not obviously different in the 3 test group, but higher than the control group (P>0.05). The special grow rate of two kinds of breeding living being significantly enhanced compared with the control group (P<0.05). After the end, the COD value of 3 test culture groups was 37.78%, 33.33%, 16.67%, the NH3-N value was 43.12%, 33.11%, 28.68%, the NO2--N value was 68.42%, 49.03%, 34.63% and the total vibrio count 58.61%, 49.76%, 39.34% lower than the control group respectively. On the basis of an integrated analysis to purification effect and economic benefit, the best application frequency of probiotic was every 10 days in the culture ponds of Portunus trituberculatus and Penaeus japonicas.
Key words: probiotics; application frequency; Portunus trituberculatus; Penaeus japonicas; growth; water quality